We received the following pictures from Debrecen, to be exact from Nagy Antal Street in Buda. Yes, as stated in the title, the image shows a traffic transaction. In essence, it’s the same as what police put next to roads when they measure speed, only this one is locked in a cage and can be left alone.
The image was sent by the reader
These semi-stationary and semi-mobile devices will soon appear in more and more places The police previously reported thatThey are planning to buy a new machine. They may have thought of this. In June 2022 anyway We’ve already seen a similar device On Highway 84.
It is also good to know that the local police not only replenish the fleet of the traffic police with such a roadside device. ORFK purchased a total of 40 pieces of certified equipment for measuring on-the-go velocity, which cost HUF 296 million net. First, the manufacturer of the new Passenger Fleet delivered a single piece, which ORFK experts “make a settlement”. If that works, the remaining 39 traffic can be delivered, according to ORFK.
Thus, the start of the deployment is still uncertain, but it is clear what the police expect from the newly introduced 40 mobile skills. “Increasing the number of violations detected by the speed measurement activity carried out while driving, and thus reducing the speed.”
source: Posted by reader