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This was one of our best results ever

This was one of our best results ever


Monday, 25 April 2022, 10:09 am


Two weeks in Melbourne, Red Bull may be upset by another technical flaw at Verstappen, which is why the F1 boss regards Imola’s double win as a serious achievement.

Despite Ferrari’s track at home, Red Bull finished with a double victory at the Formula 1 Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix: Max Verstappen and Sergio Perez, power folder, achieved this result for the first time since the 2016 Malaysian Grand Prix. It is no coincidence that team boss Christian Horner was very happy, especially in light of Holland’s exit two weeks ago:

“It was the setback we needed after what happened in Australia,” Horner quotes “It was such an exceptional team performance that we risked getting there this weekend by bringing some small innovations into the new car so that we only had one free practice session.”

“But we attacked from the very first moment and both pilots were great. Both Max and Checo drove brilliantly over the weekend, a double win, and team recognition for that. This is one of the best results we ever had when we meet after Australia and we achieved that result at Imola. “.

The Red Bull result also meant they were significantly closer to Ferrari, who only finished sixth at Imola after Carlos Sainz was eliminated and Charles Leclerc broke up. Regarding Leclerc’s foul, Horner said it was an easy part as Monaco were always faster than Perez who was chasing him, but such a foul is in the deck and the reward for them is the amount of points the world threw. Cup Leader – However, the team boss also knows that there is still a lot to do in the league:

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“This season is long and long, but I think we can get a lot of confidence from this weekend. Of course, it was important for us for the championship to beat some negative points against Ferrari, and we did that at the two tables. That’s what we’re trying to build on a new track. Absolutely in Miami.”

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