Horoscope map
Kos (03. 21. – 04. 20.)
The Moon is still in a Scorpio sign, and even though his mind is cut off anyway, he still now has a good sense of tactics, which aren’t his strength anyway. If possible, discuss important things today: salary increases, job offers, family, and love, because now you can easily confirm your interests.
Bika (04. 21. – 05. 20.)
Today, it’s as if everyone is there to stop you from realizing your ideas. But all of this might just happen to point you on the right path. Think about it, what do you really want?
Twins (05. 21. – 06. 21.)
It zips through the sun like a windbreaker, although if you relax a little you might notice that he’s not acting in the right direction … Pay attention to your loved ones a little too, because someone really needs you most!
Cancer (06. 22. – 07. 22.)
Thoughts snagging in his head very quickly, this is an obstacle to the birth of the great idea, the great goal. Try to calm down a little to hear the true inner voice. What no one says but the deepest self.
Leo (july 23 – august 22)
Moon in Scorpio. Beware, someone is not being honest with you today. It might just be an innocent shroud, or a benevolent misinterpretation, but it could also be a lingering game on your skin. Try to see beyond the words!
Virgo (08. 23. – 09. 22.)
Things are going slower than you expected. be patient. You are the blessing of fate today, and if you want everything and immediately, it will only spark hatred in your surroundings. Be more understanding and accepting!
Balance Sheet (09. 23. – 10.2.)
Long-term plans are more important today than current goals. Even if something remains of the latter, the goal is to lay the foundations for the future. To do this, you need to know the order of importance.
Scorpio (10. 23. – 11. 22.)
The moon is still in Scorpio. His thoughts are a little tangled. Until now, he always knew exactly what he wanted, and now he just can’t seem to see the results of things. Perhaps you should have more confidence in your good fortune. Listen and hear the signals.
Sagittarius (11/23 – 12/21)
Although he was extremely cumbersome, he eventually managed to close important tasks and matters. You can finally focus a little on your partner, who is not spiritually on top and also needs nurturing.
Buck (12. 22. – 01. 20.)
His usual calm left him, you are already impatient. What would happen to the world if a Capricorn’s solid personality and reliability were not the same? With this in mind, it may be easier to let go of your stress. He realizes that it makes no sense to chew something he can’t fix.
Aquarius (01. 21. – 02. 18.)
Today may be a day of great reconciliation. If anything has happened to anyone in the last days, now is the time to embark on the path of penance. A renewed friendship can also provide an unexpected good turn.
Barber (02. 19. – 03. 20.)
His intuition almost never misleads him. You still have to listen to your intuition today when it comes to making a decision. If this particular inner voice indicates that it is better to exercise caution, then instead of avoiding the person or the treatment from afar.