On Wednesday night, we can be part of a special heavenly appeal. Like the moon, Venus will be visible in a skinny scythe, which can be perceived by perspectives.
On Wednesday, 5 March, 6:20 pm, we can see an extraordinary scene in the sky: Venus will be visible in the form of only 11 % skinny sickle. The heavenly body is the closest to the Earth during this period, in which case it appears larger than the average, 51 inches. Its brightness reaches -4, which makes it easily in the sunset sky, 17.5 degrees above the western horizon -read the Svábhegy Observatory community side.
The weather also seems to provide an opportunity to monitor a rare event. In the clear sky, we can admire something stunning from Venus. In addition, we can even see mercury a little to the left, 10 degrees towards the horizon!
Photo: GáBor Balázs / Observatory at Svábhegy, 2023.05.20.
Few people know that Venus also shows similar changes in the phase like the moon. Galileo Galilee noticed the first time with his perspectives in the early seventeenth century. His observations provided decisive evidence on the outlook made of the spiral world, as only one day planet can show such changes in the phase. With the help of endoscopy, the planet, which is a sickle, became visible to the human eye.
source: https://www.turistamagazin.hu/hir/arlo-forjaban-tunik-fel-a-enz-sti-egbolt