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Turista Magazine – A special group of four will be spotted in the sky today

Turista Magazine – A special group of four will be spotted in the sky today

The conjunction of Jupiter, the Moon, Uranus and Virgo can be seen with the naked eye most of the time today.

the Svábhegyi Star Observatory page We heard news that tonight around eight o'clock in the morning it would be worthwhile to look at the sky, because we could enjoy an interesting sight. First of all, let's look for the Moon (25% of our crescent will be visible today, March 14), below it, at a distance of about 11 degrees, is Jupiter, which shines with a brightness of -2. You can also see its moons with a telescope or binoculars.

About halfway between them, Uranus can be seen even with a small telescope. If we connect the three celestial bodies, then above the Moon we can see the Pleiades constellation or the 7-star constellation Fiastyús.

The line of attraction does not end here, because during the evening you will also be able to observe the Winter Hexagon, which connects the brightest stars of the constellation of the winter sky: Pollux visible in the constellation Gemini, Capella in the constellation Chariot, Aldebaran visible in Taurus, Orion Regelgi, Sirius the Great Dog, And Procyon the little dog. “In the middle of the formation, the giant star Betelgeuse, which recently appeared in the news as a star on the verge of a supernova explosion, shines with its distinctive orange-red glow even with the naked eye,” the observatory’s website wrote. .

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They offer another tip: Today you can also observe Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks, which we are looking for near the constellation Andromeda. We'll need a telescope for this.


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