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Oleh Ustenko, the country’s economic advisor, said that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky had begun to “remove oligarchy” from the country.
The consultant said to NV Radio.
Ustenko criticized Zelensky’s ancestors for not doing anything in this field. If the economic situation in Ukraine had not stopped at the level of the 1990s, the GDP would have reached 400 billion dollars last year. In contrast, it was actually just over $ 160 billion, “the consultant said.
Oleh Ustenko said that the main concern of those who want to invest in the Ukrainian economy is the problem of protecting property rights. In this regard, priority measures include amnesty for capital, reform of the judiciary, ensuring the full performance of anti-corruption agencies, abolishing monopolies in the economy, and developing competition.
“It is not normal for sectors of the economy to be dominated by large groups of the oligarchy. Here too, progress must be made, and it is also one of the battles the leadership wages for the oligarchy in the economy.
Earlier, Zelensky said he wanted to verify in detail the legality of the privatization of Ukrainian mineral deposits and lands. On March 19, the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine imposed fines on 19 licensed mineral extraction companies and ordered a full audit of all licenses issued since 1994 to exploit deposits. (MTI)