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University of Debrecen: They also introduced themselves in Florida

University of Debrecen: They also introduced themselves in Florida

Building on the synergy between professionalism and community unity, HungarianHub, a non-profit organization dedicated to strengthening US-Hungarian relations, presented opportunities for dialogue, exchange of experiences and partnerships in the areas of education, business, society, culture and sports at its recent summit. The University of Debrecen also participated in this event with the aim of presenting its training portfolio and its educational, scientific and sports strategy, in addition to the results it has achieved in these areas so far – Read unideb.huon

During the meeting, the possibilities of developing innovative educational programs, student exchange opportunities, and cooperative research projects between universities were discussed, while emphasizing the importance of educational relations between the two countries. In addition to all this, the meeting can enhance networking and career development opportunities, as well as learn about good practices and establish connections in the areas of sports and community building that are important for the University of Debrecen, said Deputy General Counsel Karoly Peto.

The University of Debrecen enhances the reputation of Hungarian science

Hungarian and American universities (including the University of Central Florida, Stetson University, Robert Morris University, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, and Daytona State College) were also represented in panel discussions on possibilities for building academic relations between American and Hungarian universities. In addition to many professional organizations that deal with higher education issues.

– Relations between the two countries are also of prominent importance in the field of higher education, and the traditions, common results and cooperative activities based on dialogue are exemplary. Peter Nagy, Chairman of the GTIDEA Scientific and Social Advisory Board, emphasized that thanks to the presence of the University of Debrecen, the visibility and influence of Hungarian science in the United States can be increased.

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At the summit, specialists from Hungarian and American higher education institutions met in the departments of business, education and society, who, among other things, were able to gain insight into the accelerator program of the University of Central Florida, which includes nine incubators, activities of the US Department of Defense, and the work of development agencies and organizations. Economics in Florida as well.

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