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Victor Urban accepts everyone? The Hungarian border is apparently open to politicians

Victor Urban accepts everyone? The Hungarian border is apparently open to politicians

The new asylum scandal match: the word people WrittenZokan Helez, Defense Minister of Harshajovina, said that Milorad, a Serbian leader in Bosnia, will flee to Hungary if the first judgment is completed.

Dodik is the most painful to rule that is banned from public affairs for a period of six years. The second ruling is expected to be reached at most by the end of the year.

Victor Urban welcomes Milurad Dudd in 2023 – Will he remain more stable this time?
Photo: MTI Press Office/Prime Minister/Zoltán Fischer

The Hungarian government is constantly supporting Dodik, financially and diplomatically, and there was a diplomatic collapse this week with the Bosnian government when it was not allowed to a Hungarian military plane in Bosnia, while Levity Magiar, Minister of Foreign Affairs, was in Dodod in Banga Luka.

Previously, Nicolas Grouvsky, Prime Minister Nicolas Grouvsky and former Deputy Minister of Justice Marsen Romovsky found a shelter in Hungary.

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