Crocodiles often get through the colder months by hibernating.
Last week, extreme cold weather hit Texas, and at a local alligator rescue center, experts found an individual still alive frozen in the ice, according to a report CBS. Facility, Gator Country A Tik Tokon She posted a video clip of the incident on the recording Gary SurajThe owner of the center displays the frozen sample in the lake.
According to Suraj, the animal is hibernating. “His heart beats three times a minute. People, this is amazing, this is how crocodiles live in the ice.
What Suraj is referring to is the hibernation process called bromification. Crocodiles are reptiles, which means they are cold-blooded and depend on their environment to keep them warm. During anesthesia, they enter a reduced metabolic state: they engage in minimal activity, but are still able to wake up and drink.
In Texas, alligators are usually in this state between mid-October and early March. The animals usually hide in burrows, but sometimes end up in the water. When the water freezes, crocodiles make a hole with their nose to breathe. As long as they can keep their noses above the surface, they stay alive.