Current questions and events related to the geopolitical environment, which also affect the prospects for the Hungarian economy, will also be on the agenda of the Budapest Economic Forum conference on October 17. It's worth registering now!
It seems The new mechanism is a metal pole that the Lithuanians placed in the ground. It is supposed to be with a concrete base. The Lithuanian Ministry of Defense also showed how
The experimental system stops a tracked technical vehicle that can drop the obstacle only after several attempts.
Lithuania is testing iron anti-tank obstacles that will soon reinforce dragon's teeth and fortify bridges on the Kaliningrad road. These barriers have been shown to effectively block heavy vehicles, significantly slowing down any progress. If necessary, firepower will be ready to provide support.
— Lithuanian (Ministry of Defence) October 10, 2024
Lithuania believes that they are seriously threatened by a Russian invasion, Since it is located along the Suwalki Corridor, which could be a route connecting Belarus and Kaliningrad. Many NATO officials believe that if Russia attacks the military alliance, the Suwalki Pass would be their first attempt.
Lithuania recently closed most of its border crossings with Russia and established military barriers in the region.
Cover image source: Public domain