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Vienna is still the most livable city in the world, but Budapest isn't a bad place either

Vienna is still the most livable city in the world, but Budapest isn't a bad place either

Vienna is still the most liveable city in the world, or at least it is Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) global rankings. Based on. The Austrian capital has been at the top of the list of largest cities to live in the world for three years

The Economist compared the quality of life in 173 large cities in terms of stability, health care, education, culture, environment and infrastructure. According to this, Western Europe is generally the most liveable region in the world, with the average score of the 30 Western European cities on the 2024 list being 92.

Vienna topped the list with an index of 98.4, ahead of Copenhagen, Zurich and Melbourne. Calgary, Geneva, Sydney, Vancouver, Osaka and Auckland are also in the lead. We wrote more about why Vienna is such a liveable city in this article.

Budapest collected 92 points out of a possible 100, thus moving up seven places to 32nd place.

The Hungarian capital is included in the area whose positions have improved the most in the list over the past 12 months.

According to the survey, after Western Europe, North America is the second most livable region on Earth, and the 25 North American cities included in the research scored an average of 90.5 points. At the bottom of the ranking, ranked 173rd, is Damascus, with a comprehensive quality of life index of only 30.7 points. In addition to the Syrian capital, Tripoli, Libya, as well as Algiers, Lagos, Karachi, Dhaka, Harare, Port Moresby, Kiev, and Caracas, are at the bottom of the rankings in terms of the worst quality of life.

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