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Viktor Orbán and the National Defense Air Force flew from Rome to Ljubljana

Viktor Orbán and the National Defense Air Force flew from Rome to Ljubljana

January 4, 2023 – 9:54 PM

Balázs Cseke

Tuesday morning the sixteenth. At the funeral of Pope Emeritus Benedict, Victor Urban and his wife, Aniko Levay, dined at an elegant Roman restaurant on the beach. the La Republica According to his article, the Hungarian prime minister ate lobster prepared in Catalan style, while Anikó Lévai ate a menu consisting of octopus salad, muscardini artichokes (also a type of octopus) and fish pâté.

Orban already had a program in Slovenia on Wednesday, and in the afternoon he met former Slovenian Prime Minister Janiz Jansa, head of the Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS) in Ljubljana. Bertalan Havasi, the press chief of the Prime Minister, told MTI that current bilateral and international issues were touched upon during the negotiations.

Meanwhile, a National Guard plane also landed in Rome on Tuesday morning, and after that Wednesday afternoon to Ljubljana Flew, and in the evening Landed in Budapest. It is not known if Viktor Orbán was on board. “Either the prime minister is so unlucky that he is always there with his wife where the luxury military plane is, or he really traveled with her,” said Akos Hazazi, an independent member of parliament. in Facebook.

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We asked Bertalan Havasi if Orbán traveled to Rome on a National Guard plane on Tuesday. The response was, “We cannot provide information on the prime minister’s special programmes.” the for RTL Havasi added that the prime minister

“Of course, he always pays for the costs he incurs during his own programmes.”

In 2021, Orbán traveled to Rome with his family on a military plane. This has not yet been revealed K-Monitor Road data lawsuit. The anti-corruption NGO won the case last year, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade announced afterward that the prime minister had paid 631,610 HUF for his family’s travel.

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