We are talking about the planet and when several planets on the solar system become visible in the sky at the same time, almost the perfect line. The current group has been formed since January, and has now reached a state where seven planets – Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Venus, Neptune, Mercury have been observed at the same time, He said the time on its website.
The planets revolve around the sun in a plane, so when they reach the right situation, they are located along a line in the sky. According to Gerard van Bell, the scientific director of the Observatory of Loile in Arizona
This can be imagined as a vinyl record: the sun in the middle, while the planets rotate along the grooves.
Although three to eight planets are already a great event, the procession of seven planets is particularly rare and can only be observed several times under a person.
The planetary crow will be observed from almost everywhere in the world. It is expected to be the best vision in the United Kingdom and Europe, including Hungary, on February 28.
For the best possible scene, it is worth going to a dark place with the minimum light pollution. Average is the ideal period for monitoring. You will also need a clean sky, so you should check the forecast in advance.
NASA gave the following points:
- Mercury is located above the horizon,
- Venus and Saturn will be visible to the West, and the first will shine as the swallows of a planet,
- Mars was observed in the east,
- Jupiter appears in the sky.
- Uranus and Neptune may not be visible to the bare eyes, so it is worth preparing for debate stores.
Astronomers recommend downloading a mobile phone application called stellarium, which helps to accurately searches for planets. Therefore, in the next few days, it is worth spying on the sky, where we can witness a rare and special astronomical event that will be possible only in a decade and a half.