We can immerse ourselves in the mysteries of astronomy at these events in Debrecen
Author: Dehir.hu | [email protected]
Publication date: 05/23/2024. 10:45 | Updated: 05/23/2024 10:45 AM
We can see pictures of the American solar eclipse, and other interesting programs provided by the Magnitude Astronomical Society.
Organized by the Society for Volumetric Astronomy, on the remaining two Thursday evenings of May, numerous free programs and events await those interested in the lecture hall on the ground floor of the DEMKI Újkerti Community Hall.
On May 23, from 5 p.m., those interested can see exciting images of the American solar eclipse, and on May 30, from 5 p.m., they can see images taken when the Moon and two planets of the solar system are in conjunction. Speaker: Gyorgy Zajac, astronomer, president of the association.
Late on the night of May 23, and at dawn on the 24th, we can see the conjunction of the moon and stars. In a phenomenon that is most evident early in the morning on the 24th, the moon appears bright in the full moon phase near the alpha of the constellation Scorpius (the star called Antares). The observed conjunction will be in the southern direction, at a low altitude above the horizon.
In the early morning of May 31, we can see the conjunction of the moon and planets. At that time, the last quarter phase of the Moon can be seen near Saturn, in the east-southeast direction, but unfortunately this view will also be observed at a lower level.