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We will not make a mistake BMW

We will not make a mistake BMW


Mon Jun 28, 2021 at 10:02


Helmut Marko said the team did not want to make the mistake of risking the World Cup title by focusing on the 2022 rules. Christian Horner can’t believe Mercedes has actually halted development all this year.

After the defeat in Austria, Toto Wolff made a statement that we could make our heads right: The team boss claimed that Mercedes has stopped completely with the 2021 upgrades, focusing exclusively on the 2022 car. He noted that Red Bull continues to bring new elements from one race to the next. , thus widening the gap between the two teams, which was also reflected in the Styria Grand Prix.

Team Red Bull Racing is hoping for its first world title since 2013, so it will dedicate a large portion of the team’s capacity to the RB16B. Chancellor Helmut Marko has highlighted that they do not want to fall into the trap that was BMW’s World Cup title in the past.

“We don’t want to make the mistake that BMW made in 2008. At that time, Kubica had a realistic chance of winning the championship, but they insisted on their business plan to move into the start of next season,” Marko told Auto Motor und Sport, who was a target for 2009 when the rules changed too. When it was suggested that this strategy could leave its mark in 2022 and even in later seasons, the Austrian chancellor replied: “It is not exciting if there is no risk! We will sort it out somehow.”

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Meanwhile, Red Bull boss Christian Horner has expressed his doubts: He was skeptical that Wolff was right, as the lack of improvements meant that Mercedes had already sacrificed the season.

“We know Toto loves the show. I can’t believe they won’t put a single component on their car for the rest of the year. All we can do is take care of our work. We need to balance this year and next, but if that means we have to We have to work even harder, we are ready for that.”

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