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Weekend horoscopes September 14-15, 2024.

Weekend horoscopes September 14-15, 2024.

This weekend, very special and very lucky light angles will help you achieve your goals. Make sure to go outside whatever the weather, because fresh air rich in oxygen strengthens ideas and inspiration.

Aries weekend

If you're afraid of catching a cold, stay home this weekend! However, you may also miss out on experiences this way. According to your weekend horoscope and the planets in the air, you need air. You should also ventilate your head and lungs. Can you feel it?

Taurus Weekend Horoscope

After the weekly rush, the celestial processes promise calm on the weekend. However, this does not mean slacking off. You have endless plans to deal with. But do not expect yourself to reach the end! Be satisfied with what you do!

Gemini Weekend

A wonderful weekend awaits you. The wonderful lighting angle of the Aquarius Moon and Jupiter in Gemini guarantees that you will be at the top mentally, spiritually and physically. Satisfy your intellectual appetite by studying, reading and enjoying.

Planets point to a great weekend (Shutterstock)

Cancer Weekend Horoscope

Whatever your plans for the weekend, be open-minded, because there may be surprises. In such cases, you may feel annoyed, but that won’t make it any better. So instead, examine why the new version is better, why it’s newer, and who needs you more!

Leo at the end of the week

You will be in a romantic mood this weekend. If you have a partner, make sure to organize a program for the two of you that is just about the two of you! If you don’t have a partner yet, walk with open eyes and heart, because there will be one soon!

Virgo Weekend

If it's important to stay healthy, go outside! Outdoor sports and exercise are the most effective way now. According to the planets in the air signs, learning breathing exercises will also be beneficial for you. Like hugging trees…

Libra Weekend

Remember, weekends are for relaxation! According to the celestial processes, you should get some air. Make sure to get outside! Don't be alarmed by the weather forecast saying it's going to rain! That doesn't mean you need to banish yourself to your room…

Scorpio at the end of the week

Your home and family want to spend the entire weekend, even though you need some me time. According to Aquarius, with enough ingenuity and organization, you can achieve “May the goat live well too, and may the cabbage survive.”

Sagittarius Weekend

Some people don't even dare to dream of traveling. Well, that's not you. The weekend constellations will fuel your imagination and provide you with wonderful opportunities. It depends on your courage and when and how far you will fly…

Capricorn at the end of the week

At dawn on Saturday, the Moon-Uranus and Moon-Pluto angle will confirm your position, but you can't rest on your laurels. Planets in air signs (Moon, Venus, Jupiter) make you want to be active and adventurous. Don't hold back!

Aquarius Weekend

This will be your weekend in more ways than one. On the one hand, the Aquarius Moon recommends that you also take care of your own needs, and on the other hand, according to the super-illuminating angle of Venus and Jupiter, you need fun and non-repressive thoughts… Allow yourself!

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Pisces Weekend Horoscope

Ventilate all weekend! This is the advice of the planets in the air signs. In addition, they also recommend that you be good alone with yourself! Otherwise, you will not hear your inner voice, your intuition and your intuition.

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