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Where is the ever charming and eternally romantic Hugh Grant? Well, not in this movie.

Where is the ever charming and eternally romantic Hugh Grant? Well, not in this movie.

What now with Charlesa from Four Weddings and a Funeral? Is Elinoré still the heart of Edward Ferrars? Will William Thacker, the goofy romantic London bookseller, live happily ever after with starlet Anna Scott? What about the Prime Minister?

Well, except for the inextinguishable nostalgia of rom-com fans, nothing else keeps them alive, and their creator, Hugh Grant, has since moved on to other waters in his career. The 63-year-old English actor has appeared in a variety of roles in recent years, playing the villain in Paddington 2, then playing the unlikable Fletcher in The Gentlemen, and was particularly creepy in You Must. He's been known alongside Nicole Kidman, and most recently clowned around as the green Oompa Loompa in In Wonka.

And in the horror film Heretic, he goes crazy, at least playing a very crazy man who, with his (apparently) innocent image, traps two young Mormon missionary girls (Chloe East and Sophie Thatcher), and then begins torturing them with all his might. Types of psychological games – He writes a variety.

The film was shot in Vancouver last fall, and the first trailer has just been released:

The film is written and directed by Scott Peck and Brian Woods, who also wrote the screenplay for director John Krasinski's 2018 horror blockbuster A Quiet Place.

Heretic is being distributed by A24, and it is not yet known when it will be released.

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