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Why do right and left seem to change in the mirror?

Why do right and left seem to change in the mirror?

However, the reflection does not exactly match the view others see when they look at us. Because the mirror clearly reflects the asymmetry on the side depicted, we always see our faces with reversed sides. (Read about the cultural history of the mirror here!)

This also applies to other objects: right and left side a In women It appears to have been switched. This case can be best seen in punctuation. Asymmetric letters, such as l or P, appear upside down.

However, everything else remains the same: mirrors with straight surfaces depict objects as they actually are. The reflection does not stand on its head, and the angles and distances do not change. But the strange circumstance that only the pages were changed, otherwise everything remained unchanged, does not correspond to reality – Researchers say: This is a misinterpretation by our brain.

But how does this happen?

Inversion occurs in our brain: we put ourselves in the perspective of the inverted person, which is why we rotate (in our mind) 180 degrees around our axis. We pretend to be the person in the mirror and look through their eyes, and from this perspective the arm wearing the watch is the one on the right.

So the deception can be seen in seeing the world through the prism of our thinking. However, in the mirror, higher and lower do not appear to us to be mutually exclusive.

The reason for this is, on the one hand, that the force of gravity always shows where it rises and where it falls; They are solid scales, unlike right and left, which depend on the viewer's perspective. On the other hand, we do not stand upright when we turn to another person and look into their eyes, but rather we rotate along our longitudinal axis.

If we want to see ourselves as the world sees us, we need two mirrors that form a 90 degree angle to each other. If we look at the angles of the two mirrors, the left-right illusion is eliminated by double reflection. For most people, this unusual view of your real face is a somewhat disturbing experience.

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