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Will you electrocute yourself? We’ll tell you why for sure

Will you electrocute yourself?  We’ll tell you why for sure

The psychology of why dissatisfaction is so ingrained in us is surprising.

The researcher They realized that complacency is not good for the species because it prevents us from evolving.

Why are we always worried and dissatisfied? We live in the safest, healthiest, most educated and democratic era in history – however, a part of the human psyche forces us to seek escape from the things that are constantly revolving around us.

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2 Minutes of Science: Control Your Mind, we show you dangerous and useful mind games

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The truth is that we are not satisfied with our life, our situation, our love life.

There is a simple reason for this: “If the sense of satisfaction and pleasure were constant, we would not have the motivation to keep fighting for certain things.

Dissatisfaction has several components, such as boredom. It’s amazing what anyone can do just so they don’t get bored.

A 2014 study looked at people who were asked to sit in a room and think for fifteen minutes. The room was completely empty except for a certain device which allowed people to give themselves a very weak but slightly painful electric shock.

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Teach for 2 minutes: Don’t fool yourself – this is how your nose forces you to buy

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“Why would anyone want to do that?” Are you asking the right question?

When asked at the start of the test if they would try to shock themselves, all participants said they would even pay for it to avoid having to try it. However, when left alone with their own thoughts for a short time, 67 percent of the men and 25 percent of the women shocked themselves. Many have done this many times.

The study showed that people do not like to be alone with their thoughts so much that they would rather do anything else, even if it is a negative and possibly painful or dangerous activity.

So, if you are also dissatisfied, just think about how motivated you are and how much you can benefit from it.

Cover image: Illustration by Provimedia

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