According to experts, one of the most popular applications should be deleted from the mobile phone immediately. It is worrying what they discovered, which is why they recommend removing the application as soon as possible.
NoWsecure Cyber Security has revealed a serious insufficiency of security and privacy for the head of the Apple App Store Dibsic Artificial Intelligence Application – Written a liner. The application used the Deepsek-R1 Language Modield Chatgpt primarily in the App Store free application list two weeks ago.
However, the nowxure investigation revealed that to request It transmits sensitive data online without encryption and does not store user names and passwords properly. In addition, it collects a large amount of user and device data, which allows people to be identified and follow up, and to transfer these data to the servers that Tiktok owner managed. Therefore, experts argue about removing the application as soon as possible.
Recently, experts have been telling a bell on the mobile phone site anyway. According to the US National Security Agency, infiltrators attack another front, trying to obtain data through the site's job. This function itself is very useful, but it has a risky appearance. In particular, it is dangerous to give permission to all mobile phone applications without thinking about accessing our website data. The National Security Agency recommends reviewing our applications, review their safety settings and thirst for what is absolutely not required. Site infiltrators are specially monitored for site data: dates (such as Tinder), games (such as Candy Crush or Harry Potter: Buzzles & Elseps, social sites (Tumblr), and the opposite customer (Yahoo Mail) and the Office app (Microsoft 365).
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