Anyone who is considered protected is free to go places where others can only go with a new negative test.

Coronavirus – second year

It has been more than a year since the Chinese authorities informed the World Health Organization of the emergence of a new rapidly spreading virus. Since then, there hasn’t been anyone in the world who hasn’t heard of the term Covid-19, and more and more people are mourning a relative or friend who ended up with the new disease while existence collapsed in weeks and our entire lives were rewritten from the pandemic. So far, vaccines have been completed, and this in turn raises not only hope, but also many questions, while not only stopping the virus, but also threatening another mutation. You can find the details of this battle in our series of articles.

Angela Merkel announced the easing of restrictions imposed on Coronavirus in Germany for people who have been fully vaccinated and infected. The easing announced by the consultant relates to three groups:

  • Those who also received a second dose of the vaccine at least 15 days before;
  • Who were infected within 6 months; And the
  • Those who were previously infected with the Coronavirus and received their first dose of the vaccine for at least 15 days.

They are free to visit stores, restaurants, sports, cultural institutions or other institutions operating under the current epidemiological rules. These places can only be visited by anyone else in Germany after a rapid antigen test with a new negative result. The express test is offered free of charge by the country once a week.

Another relief for vaccinated people who have recovered is that they do not have to be tested negatively or quarantined when they return from a foreign trip unless they are in an area affected by a new, more dangerous version of the epidemic.

80 million doses of vaccines are set to arrive in the country in the second quarter, including 50 million from Pfizer-BioNTech. According to Merkel, the vaccination of priority groups with the first dose is expected to be completed by June at the latest and the orderly priority order of the vaccination campaign will be canceled. From now on, everyone will have the opportunity to get vaccinated, so anyone can apply.

The Chancellor added that despite the acceleration of the vaccination campaign, there is a risk of an increase in the burden on the healthcare system even if the vaccination rate reaches 50%. He said, there would still be weeks of “effort” – strict rules relating to so-called emergency braking regimes introduced on days, including night curfews – and how much life would be free during the summer vacation was not yet known.

Pfizer-BioNTech, AstraZeneca and Moderna vaccines are currently used in Germany. By Sunday, 7.2 percent of the population, 5,960,243 people, had received the two doses of either. 23.4 percent of the population, 19486,698 people, received at least one dose.

According to data from the Robert Koch National Institute of Public Health (RKI) on Monday, the seven-day infection rate – the number of recorded infections per 100,000 people in the previous seven days – stood at 169.3 nationwide, up from 165.3 the previous week. . In the past 24 hours, 11,907 infections have been tested. During that time, 60 people have died from the disease.

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The Greens are the most popular German parties


Once again, the Green Party ranked first in the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and its sister party Christian Social Union (CSU) in the party’s popularity ranking in Germany, as several polls showed.

The flu pandemic in Germany hasn't been so mild in decades

MTI / hvg.huTechnique

Precautions due to the coronavirus epidemic have prevented the influenza virus from spreading in Germany.