According to the resolution, Israel occupied these lands, according to the Israeli Prime Minister, Israel cannot be an invader in its lands.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday described as despicable the United Nations General Assembly’s Friday resolution, in which it sought the opinion of the Hague-based International Court of Justice on the legal consequences of Israel’s occupation of Palestinian lands.

In his video message, the Israeli prime minister declared that “the Jewish people are not occupiers of their lands, including their eternal capital, Jerusalem, and no UN resolution can distort this historical fact.” He stressed that: Israel does not recognize the resolution of the United Nations General Assembly that it is binding on itself.

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The International Court of Justice is the principal judicial body of the world organization dealing with disputes between states. His rulings are binding, though he does not have the power to enforce them.

In the General Assembly, 87 people voted in favor of the resolution, Israel, the United States and 24 other member states opposed it, while 53 abstained. The Palestinians welcomed the decision.

The Palestinians enjoy limited self-rule in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, which the Jewish state has annexed. The Israeli occupation and annexation are not recognized by the international community. The new Israeli government led by Benjamin Netanyahu has promised to strengthen Jewish settlements in the West Bank, although the old and new prime ministers have not indicated that they intend to annex them.


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