Starmer after winning the election III. And King Charles asked him to form the new British government. After the invitation, the new Prime Minister spoke about his leadership of a “public service government” and thanked his rival Sunak for his work so far.

Officially, Keir Starmer, the leader of the Labour Party, has become the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom after the third. He was reportedly asked by King Caroli to form the new government. MTIStarmer's party won a landslide victory over the ruling Conservative Party in Thursday's parliamentary elections.

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As we reported, Labour won 412 seats in the 650-member parliament, 211 more than it did at the previous election in 2019, leaving Starmer's party with a near two-thirds majority in the new UK parliament.

Former Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's party lost 250 seats and won just 121. Sunak conceded defeat, apologized for it, and then resigned as Prime Minister and leader of the Conservative Party.

Our country voted to renew and turn politics into a public service again.

– Prime Minister-elect Keir Starmer said at his press conference following the monarch's invitation. Starmer thanked his predecessor Sun for his work, then spoke of how the wounds of the past years can only be healed by action. The new prime minister thanked his predecessor Sunak for his work.

My government will serve you too.

– He told British voters who did not vote for him. “Country comes first, party comes second,” Starmer said. “We looked away while millions were plunged into uncertainty,” he has said in recent years. According to the new British prime minister, changing the country will not happen overnight, but work must begin immediately. He described Starmer’s government as a “public service government” and called on everyone to take part in rebuilding the country.


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