The president of the assembly is Krisztián Forró, the president of the National Council is László Solymos, and the vice-president is Szabolcs Mózes.

Under the name of the association, the unification of three parties – the Hungarian Community Party (MKP), the Most Bridge and Cooperation Party – the Hungarian United Party of the Highlands was announced at a press conference after the inaugural conference in. Saturday. The formation of the new party was preceded by nearly two years of negotiations.

On the basis of preliminary agreements, the 140 participants in the conference in Csölösztő belonging to Somorja Krisztián Forró, President of the MKP, were elected as President of the Assembly. The Chairman of the National Council (OT) of the party was Laszlo Solimos, President of Most Head, and Vice President Szapolks Mozes, the head of the coalition.

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The consolidation of the Hungarian parties in Slovakia required that the first leaders of the MKP and the Bridge retreat into the background after the election disaster. In the case of President Josef MKP Menyhárt, this was quite evident, but Béla Bogar, the most serious figure in Hungarian politics in Slovakia, and founder of the Most-Híd, also had to do the same. The resignation would have been particularly painful for him, as he led his party to a near standstill after nearly a decade of successful party presidency. It may have made it even more difficult for him to step back because he was the one who built his new party out of nowhere after he was voted out of the MKP chair. While he and his leadership managed to win three parliamentary elections in Slovakia, after Bogar’s exit, the MKP did not come close to Parliament.

The alliance will learn a lesson from its place in Slovak domestic politics. Until now, the contradictory position was that the MKP party supported by Fidesz vehemently rejected Robert Fico, with whom Viktor Orban had a very friendly relationship. On the other hand, with Bogar, who was a coalition partner of Slovakian friend Orban, the Hungarian government was out of the question, and it was not invited to the permanent Hungarian Congress. The MKP continues to reject Fico, but the leaders of the Most-Híd do not, which will lead to a lively exchange of views on the party’s coalition opportunities. But it is clear that an ethnic party dominated by Fidesz, as in Romania and Serbia, will represent the interests of Hungarians in Slovakia.

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