North Korea is well known even to those not well immersed in world politics, the self-proclaimed reclusive and repressive communist regime appearing in the...
In 2017, the Pan-STARRS Observatory in Hawaii identified the first known interstellar object in the solar system. The orb is called “Oumuamua,” which in...
The pandemic and its impacts may inconvenience some unexpected companies this year. It is not excluded that they are currently facing an unwanted obligation...
At a press conference held tonight in Madrid, Health Minister Carolina Darya said that the Spanish Medicines Agency (AEMPS) is investigating two other cases...
The current practice of unequal access to coronavirus vaccines by European Union member states needs to be corrected, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said at...
Animal experiments with the Russian vaccine were successful in Slovakia. And the teacher wrote, according to the Slovak Public Service News Agency, that the...