The British ruler in Parliament also spoke about the support of Ukraine and the wonderful Israeli conflict. advertisement For the first time, he gave...
As we wrote previously, Donald Trump “To clean” It started around the American Agency for International Development, where thousands of organization employees were rejected...
The construction of the official representation of the European Union of the European Union was damaged on Saturday in Sofia with Molotov cocktails, and...
Az nem újkeletű, hogy az emberek számtalan természetes élőhely pusztításáért tehetőek felelőssé. Ez számtalan ritka fajt sodort a kihalás szélére. Ezek egyike az északi...
The Vatican Foreign Minister Barolin, in an interview with Corrier del Della Serra, refused the speculation about Pope Francis's potential resignation. According to the...
On Thursday, Mark Rutti, the Secretary -General of NATO, visited Bratislava, welcomed by Slovaki President Petter Pellegrini. The two parties discussed, among other things,...
The mission will start after Russia and Ukraine have a ceasefireThe mission of the European Union and British soldiers is to maintain the durability...
Ukrainian President Folodimir Zelinski refused last week the US first proposal Washington had obtained 50 % of the critical metal resources in Ukraine. These...
Donald Trump's government cancels the additional component in New York- Write to PBS. The award was presented on January 5, and the city administration...