Nowadays, more and more people are watching their favorite movies and series on the Internet, and more people are unsubscribing from TV. However, streaming service providers are starting to compete with each other, with each company trying to win over the viewers who have the best content, and who in many cases do not want to sign up for multiple subscriptions.

MSCHF is trying to take a joke out of the competition between Netflix, Disney +, and countless carriers. By the way, this is a company that recently caught attention to itself with its burlap cloth: A box can hold almost anything from used chewing gum to high-value items, but you can also make money by not opening it with its owner.

MSCHF made six major broadcast service programs available for free via a pirated radio station. The All currents The bottom line is that viewers are free to switch between Netflix, Hulu, Disney +, HBONow, Prime Video, and Showtime providers and see what’s happening right now, just like on the radio.

Avatar just launched on Disney + recently

It is not possible to know exactly what is being said on each channel in advance, nor is there a program guide for radio. There is no shortage of viewers either, at the time of writing, over 220,000 people have been wondering what is going on.

The program could be affected otherwise, as anyone can send their request via SMS to a specific phone number, as if it were a wish program on the radio.

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