He took advantage of the legal loophole in his position to look to the law and influence decision makers through his attorney.

Officially II. Britain’s Queen Elizabeth is the only landowner in Scotland not subject to Scottish climate law: she lobbied decision makers through the governor’s lawyers to get rid of the regulations, The Guardian writes.

Thus, the Queen does not have to build a renewable energy heating system on her territory, even though she is one of the largest landowners in Scotland. II. Elizabeth and her solicitors took advantage of the loophole which had existed in Westminster since the eighteenth century, which was also imported into Scottish decision-making, so that the governor could peruse the laws before they were passed, so that she could put pressure on the ministers.

According to the Guardian reports, the Queen actually practiced rewriting the laws for her between the 1960s and 1980s. Based on Scottish documents now obtained, the government led by Nicola Sturgeon did not disclose the governor’s immunity, although he knew about it when the law was passed five months ago.

The story is also unpleasant for the royal family because in the past year both William and Prince Charles have started large-scale projects to reduce emissions.

II.  Queen Elizabeth does not need a knife, she also solves cake cutting with a sword


A truly festive solution.

First publicly published II.  Since the funeral of Prince Elizabeth Philip

hvg.huLife + Style

The Queen received the new ambassadors to the United Kingdom online.